
The Box Paradox

It's all a matter of perspective.

2 min read
  1. #thought
  2. #psychology
  3. #perspective
The Box Paradox

The world is a constantly evolving web of interconnected experiences and systems. It can be a scary place, but it doesn’t have to be. To help us, we have an incredible ability to detect patterns in just about anything.

  • It has leaves, so it’s a type of plant.
  • Quiet people are shy.
  • Lots of people do it, so it’s fine.
  • Everyone agrees, so it has to be right.

It’s a useful skill, but if we are not careful, it can cause us to miss all the nuance that make up that group.


Essentialism is the idea that people or things have a fixed “essence”— a set of unchanging attributes that define what they are. Some examples of this might be:

  • You like sports, so you must be athletic.
  • All scientists are logical.
  • People are friendlier here.

This can help us quickly navigate complex subjects, but in doing so, we over simply how we describe things. You can be logical without being a scientist, much in the same way you can enjoy sports as a spectator.

Groupthink, on the other hand, extends this simplicity into social dynamics, where conformity stifles individual thought.


Groupthink is the tendency for people within a group to conform to a shared set of beliefs or attitudes. Some examples include:

  • Following a trend simply because it’s popular.
  • Only interacting with content you agree with, leading to an echo chamber.
  • Assuming everyone likes something, simply because most people do.

The more rigid the box, the harder it becomes to think outside it, narrowing our perspectives and limiting our potential for growth. This is especially prevalent in social media, where algorithms tailor what we see based on what we interact and engage with. Over time, you start to lose sight of everything else going on.

While consensus can provide assurance and confidence, breaking out of it allows us to more clearly evaluate what is being said, challenge assumptions, and remain open to new ideas. By exploring differing opinions and perspectives, we can uncover innovative ways of thinking and doing things.

Closing Thoughts

Often the limitations we have are self-imposed because of how we frame them. By shifting your perspective, you can remove those walls and embrace the boundless.

Be who you want to be, love who you want to love, and express yourself without constraint. Just know that this freedom comes with responsibility: to challenge your perceptions, engage in difficult conversations, and embrace discomfort.

Stepping outside our comfort zones drives personal growth and sparks conversations that can create meaningful change.